Monday, January 16, 2012


I am linking up with Amy today for her One Thing, One Week Challenge.  I have several projects percolating and it seems as though I just can't get any one of them completed, so my goal this past week was to get at least one of the quilt tops I have been working on finished.

I am happy to report that not only did I finish two, I also prepared the backs and they are now ready to be quilted and I finished a small wall hanging.

This quilt was made using a Mary Engelbreit layer cake that I've had in my stash for several years and the Twister ruler and pattern by CS Designs.  I am pleased with how it turned out.

This quilt is last years block of the month club at one of our local quilt shops.  The setting and layout are my own choice.

To be fair I only had to add the final border to both quilts.  The wall hanging was a little more work, I hand quilted it very simply added a hanging sleeve and binding and now its ready for next christmas.

What have you been working on lately?

Amy's Creative Side

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I suppose if I had to sum up the past year in one word, it would be that one, blessed.  Not because it was a stellar year full of hopes and dreams fulfilled with financial and worldly successes, but because it wasn't and yet in spite of all the turmoil we were truly blessed beyond measure in each and every day.  Blessed by a neighbor, a friend, a relative, a stranger, someone who wasn't afraid to reach out and lend a helping hand when needed, despite not being asked.  And looking back and even in the midst of it all I can and did see God's provision for us and I am truly humbled by it all.


I could list all our troubles and woes and our continued frustration with the situation at hand, but I'm not going to.  We all have our troubles and in the moment we all think that it couldn't get any worse for us.  But the truth is, it could and only when we compare our troubles to others can we see how really insignificant they are in the big picture, we aren't faced with starvation or in danger of human trafficking or sitting under the cloud of political oppression.  I don't mean to make light of anyones woes, I only want to encourage a new perspective, one seen through the lens of hope and grace.  Embrace the ordinary work of today, working for the reward of a smile, a kind word, a heartfelt thank you, it is in those things we find the extraordinary blessings of grace and forgiveness.

My goal this year if I had to make one would be this, to pay it forward, wholeheartedly.

I'm going to support my local church, the boring christians.

I'm going to cheer for the runners.

And I'm going to feed the hungry.

Won't you join me?

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To ACT justly and to LOVE mercy
and to WALK humbly with your God

Micah 6:8