Monday, February 6, 2012


Sometimes love surprises you and you are delighted by it and sometimes it sneaks up behind you and startles you out of your daydreams and you're left scratching your head and wondering what just happened.

HT lost his first tooth Friday and I found myself on the verge of tears.  This little man of mine is growing up.  Wasn't it just yesterday we were rejoicing that this same little tooth had made its big debut?  I don't consider myself to be the overly sentimental type.  I mean your kids are supposed to grow up and it's a parents job to make sure that they do.  That they become productive members of society.  I have embraced each first with joy as a milestone of his progress to becoming who he is meant to be, but when I pulled that little tooth out of his mouth I got this sinking feeling in my stomach, an ache in my heart and a tinge of  . . . regret perhaps, or panic that I have forgotten something, failed to instruct him properly in the things of this life.  Failed him in some way that is essential to navigating the pitfalls that may come his way.

So son if you're listening please know that I love you so very much and I only want what's best for you.  That you will find happiness and contentment as you learn and grow and that you will come to a sure knowledge that God loves you, always and forever and that no matter what may come you can rely on Him in all things.

"Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage.
And He will strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!"

Psalm 27:14