Friday, January 25, 2013


Today its cold and we have an inversion so its smoggy as well.  We did have some freezing rain yesterday, but it wasn't enough to scour out the valley, so I can't believe I am saying this, but I really want a storm to blow through and give us some relief from the poor air.

Today TR goes to see a specialist about his vision.  Seems like the meds he has been prescribed for RA could be negatively affecting his vision, not good for a dump truck driver.  We would appreciate your prayers.

Today HT had pajama day at school and couldn't have been more thrilled.  Seems to me that maybe this might be why some people think wearing your pj's in public is acceptable.  I'm not a big fan of pajama day in school.

And EM . . well today he peed his pants and is now naked from the waist down.  I'm going to have to do something about that . . and just when I think I have him potty trained.


What about you, how's your day?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Bunker" Beds

That's what the boys call them, not bunk beds but "bunker" beds.  Just in case you were wondering.

So yeah, we set up the bunk bed we have had in the garage for several years, figured it was about time, since EM has just about outgrown the toddler bed.  I keep pushing down on his head but he refuses to stop growing.  Beside HT has been begging us to set them up for months.

And in honor of EM getting a "grown up" bed I made him a quilt for Christmas.

I had been given the "Cars" panel and this is what I came up with to make it fit on a twin size bed, it measures 68 x 84 and I backed it with a very cozy flannel.  I thought it turned out quite nice and he likes it too.

See what you can do with no pattern and a little imagination.

One of these days I may dust off my mad decorating skillz and make them matching blankets.

Ta ta for now!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas Pictures

Because I can.

Aw Christmas, its the most wonderful time of the year, at least that's what I have always heard, some are good, some are great and some . . . not so much.  This year was pretty nice all things considered.  The boys sure had fun and I didn't get too stressed so I would say Christmas 2012 was good.  Some of us spent the whole day in our pajamas.

The Christmas Eve service at church was very entertaining as always with the kids doing the "impromptu" live nativity.  All are included.  EM pretty much thought he should be a part of everything everywhere and was all over the stage during the whole thing.

Every time they lit the candle at church during advent he wanted to have the fire.

HT "sang" in the children's choir so EM thought he should be up there too.

Even Papa got in on the act, since none of the children wanted to play the donkey that carried Mary, he volunteered.  This is a man who isn't afraid to make himself look foolish for the sake of his children.  A man recently diagnosed with RA and in considerable pain on his hands and knees for the sake of the children.  I do love him so.  I'm pretty sure he enjoyed himself also.

New Years was spent with the boys early to bed along with their papa who had a nasty cold, that is still lingering, and I sat up by myself, sewing, binding a quilt actually until at least 10:00pm.  We sure do know how to ring in the new year, don't we?!