It's amazing the difference a month makes. Charming turned 6 months old yesterday and he's as adorable as ever. He rolls over from his back to his stomach and then gets mad because he hates being on his stomach. He sits up really well, and he's beginning to teethe as evidenced by all the drool. LOL
I'm constantly in awe of the changes. Having never been around a baby on a day to day basis it's incredible watching him discover his world. He reaches for everything and everything immediately goes in his mouth. The hanging toys on his playmat that were completely out of reach are now close enough to grab. Charming still loves seeing himself in the mirror, but now the taps on the bathroom sink are almost as fascinating.
I fed him the other day and I realized that I haven't fed a baby since Phillip. He's 19 years old. Charming and I had fun, but we kinda made a mess. =)
He is Sooooo CUTE Syd!
ReplyDeleteJust wait...the messes will get bigger and better!