Thursday, December 27, 2007

Charming's Christmas Jig

Just thought you'd enjoy watching Charming rock!

Charming's 1st Birthday posted a little late :)

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I've been a slacker. I didn't post for Charming's 1st birthday. Let me tell you he was adorable. He was the Prince and he had a crown to prove it.

He was a bit uncertain about playing with his cake. He kept looking at Mama & Papa as if to say "Really, you'll let me do this?"

But then he got into it. Although more of the cake ended up his nose than in his belly!

He loved his presents, although I'm not sure if it was the presents or the tags!

One of his favorite toys is this box that his diapers came in!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends,

We hope this finds you all happy and blessed. We have been well and hope that you have also.

This has been an exciting year of firsts for us, Charming’s first tooth, the first time he crawled, his first step, the discovery of food and the fact that if you pinch a pea between your finger and thumb just right you can make it explode, his first word (car, at least it ‘s the first one said meaningfully and that Mama and Papa could understand), his first boo boo and the first stitches.  What a joy it has been watching Charming grow and learn new things. We are delighted everyday! I look at the pictures of him from a year ago and am amazed at the change. 

We pray that you enjoy this holiday season to its fullest – singing carols, wrapping presents and decorating.  Spend time with your family and friends all the while remembering that a baby was born in a manger long ago, the first Christmas gift.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

And finally...

Charming's new favorite Onsie and his first taste of Spaghetti.

Since Charmings Parents won't post.....

Pictures from Minnesota, no commentary from Auntie because Hey, I wasn't there! =)

Charming went to Washington...

Charming recently went to Washington state to meet some of his relatives there. First he met a couple of his uncles...

Then he tried riding on their motorcycles...

He had a blast crawling around and exploring his Aunt & Uncle's house at his Cousin's party.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Charming In Minnesota

Charming went to visit his Grandparents in Minnesota in June and came home with some great pictures and a couple of fun videos. Since they left me behind, his mama and papa will have to log on if you want to hear any stories.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The difference a month makes..

It's amazing the difference a month makes. Charming turned 6 months old yesterday and he's as adorable as ever. He rolls over from his back to his stomach and then gets mad because he hates being on his stomach. He sits up really well, and he's beginning to teethe as evidenced by all the drool. LOL

I'm constantly in awe of the changes. Having never been around a baby on a day to day basis it's incredible watching him discover his world. He reaches for everything and everything immediately goes in his mouth. The hanging toys on his playmat that were completely out of reach are now close enough to grab. Charming still loves seeing himself in the mirror, but now the taps on the bathroom sink are almost as fascinating.

I fed him the other day and I realized that I haven't fed a baby since Phillip. He's 19 years old. Charming and I had fun, but we kinda made a mess. =)

Friday, March 9, 2007

Charming Laughing

There's nothing better than Charming's laughter.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Visits, love & laughter

Charming’s grandparents from Minnesota came to visit when he was 2 weeks old. They had such a wonderful time visiting him. Well, maybe they enjoyed Charming’s parents too. They really wish he lived closer, and delight in letting Mama & Papa know about all the wonders of the Mid-West.

Charming was 3 weeks old when his first Halloween rolled around. For some reason he really wasn’t interested in Trick or Treating, but he did love being dressed up in his Tigger costume. Or was it mama who loved his costume? In any case he looked adorable.

As we flew into November Charming just kept getting cuter, and cuter! Impossible you say! Well just take a look at the photographic proof!

Thanksgiving came and went and we were into December and Christmas. It’s amazing how much stuff one little boy can acquire. The presents just kept coming. And not all from this Auntie either. It was a rare day that something didn’t come in the mail from one of Papa’s friends or relatives. Mama’s friends and relatives didn’t slouch either.

One of the funnest things that came is a play mat. It is multi-colored and has animal faces on it that you squeeze to make animal noises. The cow moos, the pig oinks, the duck quacks, etc. I think Papa has had more fun with it than Charming has! Charming has discovered faces. He’s so intrigued by them. Of course he loves looking at himself in the mirror, so he had to have another playmat that let him do just that!

Grandma & Auntie from Minnesota came for a visit right after Christmas. Charming loved seeing them. Not as much as he loves seeing me of course, but he loves them all the same.

Charming has started laughing. It’s the cutest thing and so unexpected. When the boy is finished eating he usually wants his binky right away, however the other day as he finished his bottle he was just looking at me and grinning. So, when he’d slurped it all down and I took the bottle out of his mouth, he started giggling at me. I giggled back and we had a giggle fest for a few minutes. Mama tried to capture it on film but as soon as the camera comes out he stops. It was just too wonderful!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

3 Months Old

Charming turned 3 months old on Sunday. It was a red letter day. He celebrated by blowing spit bubbles and chewing on his fingers. He’s found his fingers and can’t seem to keep them out of his mouth.

It’s amazing how much he’s changed and grown in the last 3 months. I went with Charming’s mama to the doctor on Friday and unofficially he weighed 13.5 lbs and was 23 inches long. They don’t count his height and weight until his well baby check at 4 months.

I suppose I should continue telling his saga from where I left off last time. When Charming came home from the hospital he was jaundiced and his mama was suffering from Post Partum depression. I’m told it can be worse in older mothers. She was basically a chocolate mess and was afraid she was going to be horrible mother because of it. I’m here to tell you she isn’t and never was. She is patient and loving and a wonderful mother.

Charming came home with a light box. It was a blue light that he had to sleep under to help rid him of the jaundice. I found it interesting that the way the pediatrician told Charming’s parents that they’d know if the light box was working was if his poop was changing from a dark yucky green to a mustardy yellow color. Who knew, poop as an indicator of good health! Anyway, he only had to have the light box for about 4 days and spent almost as much time lying in the sun as he did in the box. Wasn’t he adorable?

I took the first 2 weeks of his life off of work, and stayed home to play with the babe and help his mama as much as I could. I loved it when he’d come to visit me and nap on the couch or in my arms. I took way too many pictures and didn’t get to hold him nearly enough. I’m sure none of those first smiles were gas and I’m convinced I’ve been his favorite from the beginning.

Since we’re speaking of poop, let me relate a funny story. One morning Charming’s parents woke up to an interesting smell. Yep, he’d made a wonderful present for Mama and Papa. Being new parents and enthralled with every little thing he does, they praised him to the skies, even telling him how wonderful it was that he’d pooped up is back and all down his legs. Since there was such a bounty of poop they decided they’d pop him into the tub to clean him off. Papa got up and went to run the bath water and Mama took off all of Charming’s clothes, wiped the worst of it off and picked him up to take him in the bathroom. Obviously he’d been waiting for just such a happening because he smiled at his Mama and exploded. Poop on the walls, Mama, the lamp, Mama, the bed, Mama, the bedside table, Mama, the cradle, and Mama. Papa just stood in the bathroom door watching in awe, and probably snickering a little bit.