Friday, March 19, 2010

You Know You're A Parent When . . .

You hold your newborn in the palm of your hand.

(HT two days old.)

When you put him to sleep in a light box,
when you clean up an explosion of poop off your bedside table etc.,
when he reaches for your finger and holds on tight, 
when strangers stop you in the store to tell you that you have a beautiful child,
and you think wow he is my son, my son!
When he laughs out loud for the first time.
(6 months old)

When you've fallen in love with this face.
(9 months old)

When he turns on the charm and melts your heart.
When he dances.
(One year old)

Seriously how can you not fall in love with this face!
(18 months old)

When your son throws his arms around your neck and tells you that you're his "most favrit mama in the whole wide woreld".
When he tells you "I love you sweet mama".
When he tells you you're his very best friend.
When your family portrait has gone from this,
to this,
to this.

And now there are two to love.

I'm linked up today.  
Click for more stories.


  1. Oh that last picture is priceless!

  2. Thank you for sharing such priceless moments. Blessings on the expansion.

  3. What cute kids. :) What are the odds that you would be linking up to the same blog as me. I said this in reply to your comment, but did you know my 18-month old is named after Logan and was born on Whitney's birthday? Just some interesting facts. Haha! Nice to *meet* you.

  4. Oh such cute pictures!
    Thanks for joining in FF this week!

  5. Oh, how sweet - what a beautiful post. LOVE the pictures and the people in them!
