Monday, July 19, 2010


I've been wanting to do a post about our vacation last July to MN to visit my in-laws but have been struggling to remember everything, don't know if I am just getting forgetful or if it's the result of "mommy brain".  I was six months pregnant at the time and miserable.  What I do remember is that it was a wonderful respite from the heat here at home. To be at the lake, with cool morning breezes, afternoon naps in the hammock, pleasantly warm evenings, dragonflies dancing above the water, and where the temperature never reached above 80 degrees the whole time we were there, was a delight.  As a result this post is going to be long on pictures and short on words.  Besides if I plan on getting this here blog printed at some point I want the pictures, so here goes.

Grandpa built HT a sand box down at the shore and he played in it every day we were there.
Loved playing on the tractor and riding on the bobcat.
Went on the boat most evenings.  We enjoyed the boat very much and if you asked HT  if he wanted to go for a ride on Grandpa's boat, he was quick to correct you and tell you it was a "pontoon boat". 
"Why's dat bug on your finger Grandpa?"

The dragonflies were all over the place, which meant that the mosquitos were kept in check, dragonflies love mosquitos.  I have also read that they are a sign of a clean water source.  I was delighted and surprised that this one posed for a picture.
Aunt Pam and HT went fishing off the dock and he caught his first fish, wasn't sure what to do with it and was more concerned about the worm.
On July 4th my in-laws hosted a family party at their house so we got to see lots of family that we wouldn't have seen otherwise.
Chris, Nicole and little Grace.
Aunt Pam and Uncle Steve
Aunt Jody and Uncle Jim
Uncle Len, cousins Dean and Mark

Grandpa (or should I say the Hunchback of Dilworth Presbyterian) and HT ringing the church bell.
HT telling Great Grandpa Thorson about his trains.
The view just east of my in-laws place.  Beautiful!

I probably could have and should have broken this up into more than one post, but it's too late now.  If MN weren't soooo cold in the winter, I might consider moving there.


  1. Looks like an awesome place! So pretty.

    I never wanted to believe that "pregnancy brain or mommy brain" were true, but since I used to have a good memory, but now I can't remember what happened two weeks ago (unless I read my blog!), I better believe it's true! ☺

  2. That is a beautiful view! And those pictures of HT and your grandpa are so so so sweet!

  3. Looks like a beautiful vacation made even better with family. Where I lived in Maine, we had TONS of dragonflies. I would always remind myself that dragonflies are my friends, because they eat mosquitos!

