Thursday, July 29, 2010

Name Change

I'm thinking of changing the boy's names to Mr. Twister and Dr. Destructo,  'cause no one can move through a room faster and leave a trail of toys and games and crayons, etc, etc, etc in their wake faster than they can.  And it's not even noon yet!

Maybe I should change the blog title too, call it "Raising Cain and Able".

What do you think?

Or I could just hire a nanny and/or a maid.

Oh wait, we're broke.


Never mind.


  1. I hate to tell you this, but it doesn't get any better as they get older.

  2. Ha ha at "Raising Cain and Able".
    I'm with you on needing a nanny or maid! Too bad it will never actually happen. ☺

  3. That picture looks really familiar... Your boys are precious! Thanks for visiting me. Enjoy those boys.
