Monday, August 16, 2010

Bad Hair Day

A three year old,
plus a pair of scissors,
 equals a bad hair day.

'Nuff said.


  1. Is it really a bad hair day or more of a no hair day? ;)

  2. Ha ha ha! Atleast it will grow back fast! ☺

  3. oh man! My kids have never tried this. I have fear about my daughter's hair-- at least he's a boy, huh? :)

  4. haha I missed the whole story the other day :) well a shaved head probably feels nice in this heat anyway..

  5. LMBO!!!!! I LOVE how he looks so happy with himself!! hahaha Too freakin' cute!!

  6. OH NO! Hahahahaha! I did that to my sister when she was about 3 and I was 5. I was so proud. My mom saw her and just broke out into tears. They have never let me live it down.

    Good thing it grows back! :)

    Loving This Mom Stuff

  7. I'm shocked my boys haven't tried this (although I did as a kid!). But he looks cute as a no-hair anyway! :)

  8. Oh NO!

    But he's so cute, bad hair doesn't ever matter on that face. :-)

  9. that's a good chunk of hair he chopped off. definitely worth of a shaved head on a boy. on a girl, i was afraid she'd get all sorts of attention as a cancer survivor - which for a 3 year old could have amounted as positive feedback.
