Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advent Calendar

As I'm sure many of you already know, Sunday was the first day of Advent.  From now until Christmas we celebrate the coming birth of Jesus.

So I was inspired by this website to make an advent calendar.  It was very easy to do using a mini muffin tin some card stock and a sheet of scrapbook paper that had all the numbers printed on it and a few magnets.  I filled each hole with a piece of candy and a scripture verse to be read each day, telling the story of the first coming of Christ.  

Mine was done very simply because I didn't have time to do any thing else, since I only put it together yesterday,  I may or may not add a few little embellishments to a few numbers or add December at the top or I may just leave it alone.  I didn't paint the tin as recommended, that way I can put it back in the drawer after Christmas.

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign; the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.  Isaiah 7:14

(P.S. Happy Birthday Phil!)


  1. I really love your advent calendar. so pretty. :)

  2. LOVE this!!! so cute, hubby and i were just talking about commissioning a friend of ours who is an apprentice cabinetmaker to make one. Great idea.

  3. very clever calendar! I like it! If I didn't have one already I'd have to steal this idea.

    BTW, Advent actually started on Sunday - it starts 4 Sundays before Christmas :).

  4. Thanks, I knew that Advent started Sunday so it would be more accurate to say we started our countdown to Christmas today. I have edited the post.

  5. You creative girl, you -- I love this!
