Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hazy Days

We live in a valley, surrounded by the Wasatch mountains to the east and Oquirrh mountains to the west. Every winter we get what forecasters call an inversion, the cold yucky smog filled, pollution filled air that lies stagnant on the valley floor and stays and gets worse the longer it remains trapped, until finally a storm comes along and scours out the valley. It makes for headaches and scratchy throats.

So we decided to escape it all and drove up Big Cottonwood canyon to Solitude Ski Resort, just to breath a little fresh air last Sunday afternoon. It was good to get out of the house. We noticed that there were several units available at the lodge, but didn't have $800,000. to $1,500,000. dollars in pocket change to secure one.

It put the smiles back on our faces.

The lifts had closed for the day and so we watched as the snowcats groomed the runs. Not that we could have afforded a lift ticket. I can't handle the altitude for very long anyway. The boys had fun just being out and running around.

EM thought he ought to have a ride on this snowmobile.

I'm sure if the ski patrol had seen us letting him sit on it, they would not have approved.

Oh well, it was a lovely afternoon and after we all were good and cold from playing in the snow for a while we got ourselves a pizza and headed back down the mountain. It's amazing what a little fresh air can do.


  1. Yeah, we all wish we had that kind of money laying around.... :O)

  2. Looks like a fun day! We live in a valley too. Not good.

    I don't know if you saw it, but I left a comment to your comment on my blog the other day. About the boot stockings you make...You should SO totally make them for an Etsy shop. I LOVE them. As soon as you mentioned them, I remembered them. Seriously, your really talented.

    I would buy some boot stockings.

  3. Thats a Yamaha... just sayin... EM's got good taste.
