Sunday, April 17, 2011


It is a tradition at our church on Sunday's for all the children to congregate up at the front of the sanctuary for a mini sermon before they are dismissed to sunday school.

Today was no exception.

But today . . . well today they came down the aisle waving palm leaves and shouting Hosanna and the whole congregation joined in adding their voices and shouting "Hosanna, hosanna in the highest!" I would be lying if I said that I wasn't moved by the display of joyful adoration at the re-inactment of the coming of the Messiah into "Jerusalem". But behind my moist eyes and wet lashes hid a jumbled up mess of conflicting emotions.

I long for the coming of Christ but would I shout with joy at the coming of my savior or would I mock the sacrifice? Do I live what I believe? Or am I all talk and no action? My actions most days would contradict my words. I get impatient with my kids, frustrated with my husband, petty with my siblings and selfish with my time.

Then today I see Jesus, I see him enter triumphant into Jerusalem. I see him accused, put on trial, condemned and crucified.

And I am convicted.

Luke 23:32-46 tells us something about this most shameful of Roman executions. Jesus hung on that cross between two others likewise condemned. He was robbed of his dignity, three times mocked, three times told to save himself.

Hanging from the cross in the midst of suffering Jesus offers grace and salvation, compassion and forgiveness.

I am renewed.

My hope is in the Lord.


Last Sunday after service the gentleman sitting in the pew in front of me was someone whom I had not seen for a while, a long ago acquaintance of mine and my dads. After a polite exchange of the usual small talk he tells me how he is reminded upon seeing me about his visit to see my dad when he was in the hospital. He had gone to pray with him and for him. But instead of him praying for my dad, my dad prayed for him and how that really blessed him, that here was his friend on the edge of eternity praying with sincerity and conviction that God would bless someone else. In the midst of his suffering my dad offered grace and compassion.

We shared a tear and a hug.

Sometimes God gives you an example of what it means to follow Him.

I am touched by his words and my soul is warmed.

My hope is in the Lord.

Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
While I live I will praise the Lord;
I will sing praises to my God
while I have my being.
Psalm 146:1-2


  1. You and me both, Sydney -- I am appalled by how often my actions and words don't match my supposed faith and intentions. It is humbling indeed.

    And the story of your dad and his friend? Sweet grace.

    Love your heart! And blessings to you and your loved ones this Holy Week.

  2. Beautiful post, Syd. Love your blog. It was nice to see you this past weekend.

  3. Oh yes! I am often convicted that my actions especially with my family are not matching up to what I say I believe. So grateful that God is merciful and about redemption. A good reminder to give what we have been given.

  4. What a glorious site to see children cheering Hosanna. you have lifted my spirit today! Thanks for visiting my blog too.

  5. I've had my conflicts surrounding Palm Sunday, and come away refreshed, too. God is good.

    What a sweet picture of your dad. Blessings on your Easter.

  6. Love the children waving palm branches...I wrote of this also:)...and thank you so much for sharing a story of your dad...what a beautiful legacy you have.

  7. What a testimony to your dad, of who he was, and how to be more like him. So wonderful. Also an inclination to share our God stories...we never know how testimonies of what the Lord has done will minister to others.
