Friday, May 20, 2011

Spring Art Show

Yesterday was the spring art show at HT's preschool.  He was so excited to have us come to his class and see all that they had been working on throughout the year.

They sang a couple of songs for us.  But instead of being his usual gregarious self and in stark contrast to his performance at the Christmas program he stood up there with his chin on his chest.  Papa took video footage but I so "thoughtfully" deleted it upon trying to view it on the camera.  DOH!

His picture is the one on the green paper.  They are toothpick "dinosaur bones".

He was very proud of his snowman and said, "Look Mama, I made him melting!"

He has really enjoyed preschool this year and I don't know what I am going to do to keep him entertained all summer.  We have enrolled him again for next fall for three days a week rather than just the two he has been attending.  His birthday just misses the cut-off for kindergarten and he has already been asking me why he can't go to kindergarten with his classmates.  Most days when he wakes up he wants to know if it's a school day, a play day "or not".

Speaking of classmates he invited one of them home with him after school the other day without checking with me or her mother first and was disappointed when I said no.  So us Moms exchanged phone numbers and promised to set up a play date after school gets out at the end of the month.  Then when we got home he told his Aunt that he was "so sorry".  When she asked why he gave her the "bad news" that he couldn't "marry her" because he was going to marry Sabrina from school.  Also this is not the same little girl that he had told me before was his girlfriend.

Young love can be so fickle.


  1. So sweet and cute. Future renowned artist on your hands! :O)

  2. I really love these preschool days. Today, my youngest "graduates" from preschool, and I'm going to be a mess!

    What a little cutie!
