Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Goodbye Summer

As I pondered the days shortening and the cooler temps I received an e-mail the other day from Amanda (aka Dumb Mom) about a photo contest featuring our best summer photo.  And I thought to myself, "Now this is something I could do."  After all I have taken a LOT of pictures this summer and some of them are pretty darn good, if I do say so myself (and I'm hoping you'll agree)!

I knew that one of the hardest tasks would be picking out a photo I thought was award worthy.  I picked this one for several reasons, the lighting, the subject and the feeling it evokes and besides it seems to fit with the theme of the contest.

So here's the deal I need your help, my chance of winning depends on how many comments I receive, so I'm asking, begging, pleading with you to please, pretty, pretty please with sugar on top to not leave this here blog without commenting.  Would ya, could ya help a girl out and leave me a comment, "please would ya, huh?"

I'd be very much obliged and you'd have my undying gratitude.

And if you'd like to join in there is plenty of time to do so, just click on over to Amanda's for the low down and official contest rules then link up a fabulous summer photo of your own.  Just so we're clear, read about the contest here and enter your photo here.

*Contest messaging: This photo is being entered in the Goodbye Summer, Hello Snapfish photo contest sponsored by Snapfish at parenting BY dummies.  If voted the best summer picture I will win a photo canvas and other prizes from Snapfish & pBd. http://bit.ly/pRciVU


  1. that picture definitely evokes summer! love it :)

  2. You've captured carefree summer innocence in this picture and it's beautiful!

  3. Just Fantastic. I want to do that.

  4. I just love it - what a treasure! ---- Cousin Jan

  5. what a beautiful shot!

  6. That IS a lovely shot! Makes me want to sit under those trees at the edge of the lake and take a load off with a nice big glass of iced tea. :-)

    And the little guy is cute too!

  7. Aww... That's a great picture! It reminds me of summer and how fleeting it is...

  8. Very pretty picture. I love the water, so anything showing a lake, the ocean, etc. is pure joy for me to look at :)

    Good luck!

  9. AAAAWWWWW!! Beautiful. Making memories. Peaceful, lovely days of summer. Leila

  10. Nice or should I say sweet.

  11. Beautiful picture! The nonchalant good-bye waive epitomizes the ease with which we move from Summer into Fall. Thanks for sharing!!

  12. I LOVE your photo. It pretty much encapsulates everything that summer should be. Even though I hate to say goodbye to summer, hope you win!

  13. An easy lazy summer afternoon, that would be my kind of summer too. I mean the summers from my past (aka childhood), now I have tropical trees, heat and sand, that's summer too. If that's where you live, wow.

  14. Awesome. Wish I was there with him.

  15. I love this shot. So adorable. Beautiful lighting.

  16. Such a sweet summer moment!! Love it!

    Hope you win.

  17. nothing like cool water, shade and a tree to make a summer day perfect.

  18. i love this photo! I think you bang on with the theme and feeling it evokes! You're a really good photographer...I remember your picture was used on FringeGirl's summer blog series! Keep clickin!

  19. beautiful picture - makes me want to be there!

  20. Awe. What a beautiful afternoon and a cute little wave :)

  21. The light is beautiful indeed. Nicely done, Sydney!

  22. What a lovely moment you caught! Great light too.

  23. great model and subject!
