Friday, May 21, 2010

Ridin' the Rails

HT loves trains and in particular has really enjoyed Thomas & Friends.  Last year on the sunday before Memorial Day we took him to A Day Out with Thomas at the Heber Valley Railroad.  He really enjoyed himself.  Loved the train ride and playing with the toy trains.  I told him we could buy him one train, but he decided he wanted the hat instead. We wore wristbands to gain entry into each area, HT held his hand up the whole time, I suppose it was the novelty of having something on his wrist.  (Notice his hand in every picture, too cute.)

Wasn't too sure about Sir Topham Hat.  Actually he wouldn't go near him, every time Papa turned to get HT next to him, he would try to get away.
"All aboard"
Did not want to sit on the podium to get his picture taken, I think he was overwhelmed at the size of Thomas.
Did not want to share the trains or leave the play area.
A working steam engine.
It turned out to be a lovely day despite having started out overcast and rainy.  The clouds kept it from getting too hot.  We went with friends from church and the boys had fun running around the hay bale maze.  We won't be  going this year, maybe next year when EM is older and able to appreciate what's going on.  HT can show him the ropes.

I'm linked up today, click here for more stories.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Today was a lovely day, I think spring is finally here to stay, no more snow I hope.

At least the weather was lovely, our attitudes and moods were not.

We are still looking for a job and after a ray of hope yesterday, an interview,  it was dashed to the ground today with another rejection.  So rather than sitting in the house and feeling sorry for ourselves I decided that we needed to get outside, so after packing a picnic lunch we walked to the park.  Papa and I very much needed the fresh air and sunshine and I'm sure the boys enjoyed it too.

Saw some ducks.
Made a new friend.
Played with my toes.
Stuck out my tongue.

Modeled Papa's hat.

Say "Cheese."

Had fun sliding.

"I can go faster!"

Thursday, May 6, 2010


One of HT's favorite toys has always been a box.

At 3 1/2 years old, nothings changed.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Visit, Giggles & Pink Cows

Papa's Aunt is here visiting from New Orleans, LA and is enjoying playing with the boys.  I took this video the other day and it is too cute not to share.  An 81 year old and a 7 month old giggling.

On monday they drove up to Snowbird resort to see the snow and all the skiers. They took the tram up to the top of the mountain and the driver gave them a second ride for free.

HT wouldn't walk out towards the ski runs to look down the mountain.  I don't really blame him, you can see the steepness of the slope from the next picture. 

HT loves strawberry milk and yesterday he wanted some with his lunch.  Aunt A said she didn't know about strawberry milk and asked him what kind of cow strawberry milk came from, his reply, "a pink cow!"  Well of course, who would have thought otherwise.

Monday, May 3, 2010

More MN Pictures

We got to spend time with lots of family.  Papa's sister, Aunt E drove up from Minneapolis and spent the weekend.  Got to see aunts, uncles, cousins and second cousins.  And despite my trepidation at traveling with a three year old and a six month old, they were such good boys.  HT slept a bit on the trip there and slept most of the way back.  EM didn't sleep at all on the way there but was content to play on my lap and slept only 20 minutes coming home, no screaming, no crying or making a fuss.  I was so proud of both of them.  I must confess though that we took a binkie with us and we used it on the plane and some at Grandma's.
EM with Gracie.

Grandpa, Aunt E and Grandma.

Went to church with Grandpa & Grandma.

Saw the train in Dilworth.

Had a bath in Grandma's kitchen sink.

Read stories with Grandma.

Drooled all over Grandpa,

and Mama.

View from the beach.

Just because I love daffodils.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

We're Baaack

I'm sure you all missed us terribly and we are glad to be home.  Traveling is fun, but its always nice to be home.  We all had a good time at Grandma and Grandpa's.  HT got to play in the sand box that Grandpa made for him last summer down by the lake.  The weather was typical spring weather, fickle.  Sunny and warm one day, overcast and rainy the next.  But we did enjoy ourselves.

We saw a turtle but HT wouldn't touch it or pick it up.  I saw a really big one, it was about two feet in diameter and looked positively prehistoric.  My in-laws tell me that the turtles are laying their eggs and there is one old gal that likes to bury hers in the middle of their driveway, which isn't very convenient.
This is the turtle I saw, look at the size of it's claws in comparison to the gravel on the road.
They got to go on a tractor ride with Papa.  I think they enjoyed it.  HT  wanted to climb on every piece of farm equipment that was there.
I have more pictures to post, but will do that in another post.