Friday, May 21, 2010

Ridin' the Rails

HT loves trains and in particular has really enjoyed Thomas & Friends.  Last year on the sunday before Memorial Day we took him to A Day Out with Thomas at the Heber Valley Railroad.  He really enjoyed himself.  Loved the train ride and playing with the toy trains.  I told him we could buy him one train, but he decided he wanted the hat instead. We wore wristbands to gain entry into each area, HT held his hand up the whole time, I suppose it was the novelty of having something on his wrist.  (Notice his hand in every picture, too cute.)

Wasn't too sure about Sir Topham Hat.  Actually he wouldn't go near him, every time Papa turned to get HT next to him, he would try to get away.
"All aboard"
Did not want to sit on the podium to get his picture taken, I think he was overwhelmed at the size of Thomas.
Did not want to share the trains or leave the play area.
A working steam engine.
It turned out to be a lovely day despite having started out overcast and rainy.  The clouds kept it from getting too hot.  We went with friends from church and the boys had fun running around the hay bale maze.  We won't be  going this year, maybe next year when EM is older and able to appreciate what's going on.  HT can show him the ropes.

I'm linked up today, click here for more stories.


  1. Thomas comes to a railroad near us every fall, and when the boys were smaller we always talked about taking them up but never did. I have a dislike-bordering-on-phobia of crazy crowds of people. The boys still love trains though. I'm hoping we can get up and ride one of their regular runs sometime this summer. :)

  2. What a great day! My son is the same way... he likes them on the video, but in real life? NOt so much!

  3. My nephews LOVE Thomas! We have a permanent Thomas village at the Six Flags near us, and oh man... :) How fun!

  4. Oh, that looks like so much fun! My son loved Thomas when he was younger too.

