Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You Know You're A Parent When . . .

a once tidy guest bedroom has turned into the Island of Sodor.
Your home office has become a nursery,
the office has been moved into the living room,
there are toys in every room and on every surface/floor of your house,
and you wouldn't have it any other way!

What about you, do you have a "You know you're a parent when" moment?  Leave me a comment, I would love it if you would share.


  1. I thought of one the other day..."You know you're a parent when it's 3:00 PM and you realize you're starving because you fed the kids lunch but forgot to eat it yourself." ☺

  2. Yeah, did you notice I added a few new ones to the sidebar?

  3. I remember coming to the point where I didn't mind spit-up on my shirt - ew! I would have DIED before I was a mom :)
