Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Eleven Months Old

This is my little big man.  He turned 11 months old the other day and is growing up way too fast.

This boy is going to give me a run for my money, not that his brother doesn't, just in a different way.  We were playing outside today and I put him in the exersaucer, just to keep him from eating rocks, twigs, bugs, you name it and he tried to climb out.  Little stinker.

I think he needs a haircut, but I want to wait until he turns a year old.

He is walking better and better every day and looks more like a toddler and less like a drunken Frankenstein monster.  I'm sure he will be running before his birthday.

He likes to be where ever and do whatever brother is at/doing.  Case in point, if brother goes upstairs to visit Auntie, he thinks he ought to go too and gets frustrated because he can't get over the gate (insert Mama's evil laugh).

If brother is playing with his trains or cars he thinks he should be in the middle of everything, which as you can imagine frustrates brother.  HT and Papa built another track masterpiece with trestles and tunnels and EM had it destroyed with one clumsy step.  "Oh, the humanity!"

Remember when I said I was going to change their names, well Dr. Destructo is alive and well and living in my house.  He likes to get in the garbage and sift through the contents.  He is particularly fond of the recycle garbage and I often find empty drink bottles all over the kitchen floor.

He has discovered how to open the corner cabinet with the lazy susan in it without pinching his fingers and today I found all, most, okay some of my canned and boxed goods on the floor.

All that being said, I truly feel blessed to have two such handsome and delightful boys.

Keeps me young or so I've been told.

Thank you Lord for the love of little ones, for the patience and wisdom you give, for the grace you have shown and for the lease of these little lives.  Help me to show "your word [as] a lamp to [their] feet and a light to [their] path." Psalm 119:105


  1. They are both so sweet -- but I know how busy two boys can keep a mom...I'm with you on that one!

    BTW, I use that expression "Oh the humanity!" all the time!

  2. Wow. Talk about cute. I now want another boy.
