Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy HO HO Hodgepodge

I had so much fun playing along a few weeks back I thought I would join in the fun again.

1.  Share your Christmas Eve tradition.

Rushing to the mall to buy that last almost overlooked gift.  Try to get everything wrapped.  Making one last grocery run for Christmas Day dinner.  Getting to church late for the children's Christmas Eve service, enjoying the chaos of the impromptu live nativity.  Going home tired and exhausted then wrangle two little munchkins into bed and finish up with the wrapping and filling stockings and falling into bed myself for a much needed hour of sleep.

What do you think, do you like the stockings?  I made them myself.
2.   What is the best book you read in 2010?

Do children's books count?  Cuz' that's about all I've read.

3.  Do you have any pets and do you allow them on the furniture?

No and no.  Sometimes I think I'd like to keep my children off the furniture, at least until they are 21 but that'll never happen.

Sitting atop the train table, "cleaning" off the window sill.
4.  What event from 2010 are you most thankful for?

That God has provided, despite being faced with yet another year of seasonal work.

5.  What did you do in 2010 that you had never done before?

Resurrected this here blog that my sister started several years ago.  Was it a good idea?  You tell me?

6.  Brussel sprouts . . . friend or foe?

Well I've never actually had one so I couldn't say.  Truth be told I have been unwilling to try one, they just look so, well, vegetable-y.  Except I thought the ones Bobby Flay made during the Throwdown challenge with the Pioneer Woman actually looked good and I thought I might like to try one.

7.  Who would you nominate for man/woman of the year?

I don't really think my opinion counts, but since you asked I would nominate a soldier, someone who's done his/her best to serve their country despite great personal sacrifice and hardships on their family and friendships and at risk of losing their life for a sometimes ungrateful country that protests their going to fight and their battle weary home coming, even if that home coming is in a pine box.  Next time you find yourself under the mistletoe, kiss a soldier and say thanks!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

If you're in need of a good laugh go here, you'll thank me for it later.  But don't forget to thank me for it, so come on back and leave me a comment.  Then hop on over to Joyce's for more Happy HO, HO, Hodgepodge-ness.



  1. Sounds like you have your hands fulll for Christmas. Enjoy your little ones while they still are....

  2. Now that is a busy Christmas Eve!!
    I love the stockings. #4, God is awesome. Your blog is beautiful.
    Enjoyed reading your answers and I'm so happy to meet you. Your boys are adorable.

  3. Yes, indeed, I'm very impressed with your stockings and think you are very creative. They are too cute!

    Stopping by from Hodgepodge and so enjoyed the visit.

    Blessings for a wonderful Christmas with your family.

  4. I really like the stockings.
    They are awesome.

    Thanks for remembering the soldiers.
    I have a nephew who is in Afghanistan, away from family, over this Christmas season. He won't be home til February 2011.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. LOVE your funky stockings. Seriously, did you make those? I will have to hate you if the answer is yes (now that wasn't a very christmasy thing to say, was it?).

    Best book I read this year: The Gift of an Ordinary Day, by Katrina Kenison. Put down those kids' books and read it -- I soaked in every word!

    Joy and peace to you this Christmas, Sydney -- so very glad to have "met" you this year!


  6. Love the stockings. They are too cute!!

    Just stopping over from the Hodgepodge and thanks for stopping at mine too.

    Merry Christmas!

  7. Oh your stockings are too cute!

    I have a recipe for brussel sprouts that is so good~I'm going to try to remember to post it after the holidays since so many people say yuk...these are really good!

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Awesome stockings!

    I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy every moment of it! Thank you for your friendship and for being a blessing to me this last year.

    Happy Christmas!

  9. Great stockings. You are very creative :-) And, I am so happy you resurrected the blog - you are awesome with writing and pictures - I really enjoy following so keep it going please? Thanks and happy new year.
