Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

I'm back.

Did ya miss me?


Is it because you didn't even know I was gone?

Ah well . . .

I came back to over 100 blog posts waiting for me in my reader. I am not going to get them all read, just so you know.

Bet you're just dying to know where I was. If I tell you, you'll just get all jealous and we wouldn't want that now, would we?!

But I can tell you we didn't buy a fat pig.

Nor a fat hog.

I will however show you a few of the pictures I took.

Had a lovely visit and brunch with family in Minneapolis.
Relaxed in Grandpas hammock.
Watched the clouds roll through the late afternoon sky.
Played "King of the Hill".
Hitched a ride.
Read stories with Grandma.
Watched a dragonfly play in the lilies.
Caught up with old friends.
Went to the races.
Managed to get one photo of the four of us together.
Found a comfy spot to watch cartoons.
 Enjoyed a garden in full bloom.
Pontoon boat ride, fishing poles and one on the line.
Flittering butterfly in a field of daisies.
Afternoon spent reminiscing over times past.
Went fishing.
And went fishing some more.
A summer vacation at the lake never disappoints.
Hated to say goodbye.
But home beckoned.