The Charming Tyrants

The Charming Tyrants

Good Words

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way. - Anon

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blog much?

Yeah . . . me neither, apparently.

Anyhoo . . .  have you all seen where June went?  I turned to say good-bye to May and the next thing I know July comes waltzing in with her triple digit days and I'm just trying to keep my cool.  In more ways than one.  I don't deal well with the heat.

We have been keeping ourselves busy with swim lessons, visits from family, VBS and more family visits and a few play dates and just so as not to get too bored there will be golf lessons next week and vacationing ourselves the following week.

All the running around has meant that we have been eating out more, so yeah, funny story.  Just to mix things up a bit we went to Wendy's one fine afternoon for lunch (Mama was getting sick of McDonald's) and HT wants a cheeseburger (ketchup only) so we get our lunch, bring it home and sit down at the table to eat.  HT takes one look at his and shouts in disgust "MEAT?!  I didn't order dat! Why did they put meat on my sandwich?!"  And there you have it folks, truth in advertising!

EM refuses to be potty trained and likes to pretend he's a kitty.  He also thinks that he no longer needs a nap, but at only 2 1/2, Mama thinks he still does.  So funny story . . . last Saturday while I was at work and Auntie had the boys, he climbs up on her lap with his blankie and starts to meow and tells her that kitty needs a nap.  The amazing thing is that he actually took one.

And now for your viewing pleasure I will post a "few" photos from the last two months.  Enjoy!

HT said good-bye to preschool.

He will start Kindergarten August 27, not sure how I feel about that.

EM got the chicken pox.  Doc said it was the worst case he had ever seen in someone who had been vaccinated.  Had to keep him inside for two weeks.  He was not a happy camper.  This boy does love the outdoors.

EM wanted to go for a bike ride but apparently we weren't moving fast enough for him, so he decided to get in the seat all by his self.  Here he is waiting patiently for his ride . . .

"Can we peez go for a ride Papa?"


Annette said...

Hey, it's great catch up on what you all are up to! :)

Sara said...

It's so good to see you back online. And, I can't believe it, but my youngest had chickenpox too!! We were quarantined as well, and I'm sure it was just as miserable!!:-) We went out and bought a couple of new board games to play. And, spent a couple of afternoons letting the boys run through the water hose.

The "no meat" story was priceless. My oldest used to tell us that he didn't want any "ham" on his cheeseburger! They're so funny, aren't they?

So, where are you vacationing? Somewhere cool? It's been killer here, too.

the domestic fringe said...

Glad you're back! I feared you may never blog again.

Your photos are fantastic and I love the Wendy's story. Kids are such fun.


Jared said...

WhooHoo!!! I wanna ride too!