First there was one, now there are two. Perhaps updates will be more regular, perhaps not.
The Charming Tyrants

Good Words
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way. - Anon
Friday, February 4, 2011
A year ago today I re-started up this here blog and actually despite my initial misgivings (dare I admit) I have caught myself enjoying it. I thought that sitting down and trying to come up with something to say would be a chore. You see I am not a writer and am not competing for shelf space at Barnes and Noble. If you'd like a refresher you can go read that first post here or the second one here.
There are three contributors to this blog, my sister (Charming's Auntie), myself (Charming's Mama) and my husband (Charming's Papa) and as it turns out this is also the 101st post that I have written. One was written by my husband and the others were written by my sister.
I have noticed on some blogs that people have posted 100 things about themselves on the occasion of their 100th post. I will spare you all 101 boring and mundane details of my ordinary life. However if you have this burning desire to know something that you are sure will in some way enhance your quality of life go ahead and ask me in the comments and I will do a future post in response to any questions.
Speaking of Barnes and Noble and commenting, Charming's Auntie has graciously agreed to donate one $20 Barnes and Noble gift card to one lucky commenter. She says it's for your Nook fund, but I say you can use it however you like.
So yeah, check back and I will post the winner on Sunday.
I have really enjoyed getting to know many of you bloggers, connecting with an on-line community that I never really knew existed. I just want to say thanks.
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Congrats on your one year with many more to come! :O)
Yay for a year of blogging! And, can i just say, HOLY CHOCOLATE MESS. LOL. :)
Hey, congrats on your anniversary! That's awesome. I feel like I should send flowers or something. I for one am glad you're blogging. You have an awesome blog, so keep up the good work.
That gift card would most definitely go to my Nook fund. Thank you sister for the awesome contribution to your blogaversarry.
Hope you have a nice weekend! I think we'll be putting in the bathroom sink (finally) and do other assorted odd projects. Fun, fun FUN!
Love how you tied your 100 in with my 100! :D
I've almost been blogging for a year...can't believe it's been that long!
blogging is fun - I love to be able to look back. I've enjoyed getting a peek into your lives too! I'd feel kind of weird accepting a 'giveaway' from you... maybe we could use it to get coffees and 2 magazines at b+n :)
congratulations! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations on your blogaversary!
Wow, congrats on a year, Sydney! It's been fun getting to know you in this space!
Wow..that's awesome! Blogging is definitely a hobby!!!
And yay, on the giveaway!!!!!!!!
So happy you ventured into this strange and wonderful blogland -- graced to know are such an encouragement, Sydney! And hey, give yourself more write every day (or nearly) -- you are a writer! Wear the badge with pride!
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