The Charming Tyrants

The Charming Tyrants

Good Words

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way. - Anon

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Baptism

We had Evan baptized yesterday and he was such a good boy.  

I love the way Pastor Mike does the infant baptisms.  He first invites all the kids up to the front of the stage and explains about how and why we baptize.

Then he introduces the baby to the kids and then he baptizes and then while the congregation sings a song of welcome to the new little one he walks the baby around the sanctuary and introduces them to the  congregation.

(HT had to stick his face into the baptismal font to see the water.  What's a mother to do!)

One of the oldest members of our congregation and one of the youngest.

Pastor Mike has a spotless record,  I have yet to see a baby fuss during one of his baptisms.  He is really good with the kids and they love it.
Thanks Pastor Mike!

I would also like to thank member Al Hokins for the lovely photos!


Annette said...

Love the photos. What a special day!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful baby! It's a blessing to have so many wonderful photos of such a special day.


Hunca Munca said...

Oh, it's so good to see the folks at FPC again. Congrats on the baptism, EM is a beautiful baby. I miss those baptisms; I love the way they do them there too. They do something similar in our church.